Wednesday, November 3, 2010

IUI #3

Wow, just realized I never posted about it. I’m 9dpo right now, so it’s long over. This one hurt a little bit, not sure why.

We met with the RE a couple days after that.  Because last month was so screwed up (The follicle being at 21mm on CD 3 or whatever) and because I didn’t take fertility meds, he doesn’t count that as an IUI cycle.  Despite the fact that I actually HAD an IUI, and took progesterone.

That annoys me, and I’m not sure why.  So I’m technically only on my second IUI cycle according to him.  Pfft.

I can see why that IUI might not have worked. I’m not sure I had good, working follicle, or even if I ovulated.  That makes me feel better since I didn’t get PG. But to me, I’m on IUI#3.

We talked about next steps. Basically, the whole gamut is in front of me. I can take the most conservative approach or the most agressive approach.

Conservative would be: next month start injectible fertility meds and continue to do IUIs. (This will give me a lot more follicles than I normally get, which is scary). Might be so many they would not want to do an IUI but convert to IVF. Otherwise, do injectibles, then have a laparascopy done to see if I really do have endometriosis.  After doing several months of that, then go to IVF.

Most agressive would be to go to IVF next month.

But I am also a practical person. My open enrollment for insurance starts this month, with insurance becoming effective in January. Right now I’m on DH’s insurance which is AWE.SOME. but doesn’t cover IVF. Covers unlimited IUIs though.  If i had my insurance through work, it covers IVFs (up to $50K, which I think would cover 3 IVF tries) but I have more copays and stuff for the IUIs and IVF.

I really don’t want to switch my job’s insurance. I love DH’s. So far, it’s covered EVERYTHING.  But we talked and made a decision that we will do the following.

If we don’t get PG this month (and of course, I’m not holding my breath), then I will have the lap done next cycle.  No injectible fertility meds. Because the doctor said that if we had NYS insurance he would skip injectibles and just do IVF). He didn’t know that I will be switching to NYS insurance.  Besides if I were to do injectibles next cycle and then need to convert to an IVF, what would I do since I wouldn’t be covered?
So, have the lap done, which will take out this next cycle and probably the next as well, since I ALWAYS have a super long cycle whenever I have any medical procedure done. That will get me to January 2011, at which point my new insurance will be effective and we can start IVF.

I can’t believe I’m talking about January 11. Which means I may very well not have a baby in 2011.  I can’t believe it could be 2012 before I have a child in my arms. I am so fucking old. I will be 34 in October 2012.  K and I got married when I was 28.

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