Sunday, January 22, 2012

Welcome ICLWers!

Ahh, another round of ICLW! Nice to start off the year with this. Welcome to my blog. If you'd like to learn more about how I got here, you can click on the About Me tab at the top of this page. It's long though, so for a short version, here goes:

Been married nearly 5 years, we're now in our 4th year of trying. We have unexplained infertility and recurrent miscarriage. 4 times I've been pregnant (twice on our own, twice with fertility treatments) and I've never made it out of the first trimester. My last pregnancy was with twins from our second IVF cycle. One passed at 7 weeks, the other at 11 weeks. It's been a tough, tough road.

We're now far into the adoption process: homestudy ready and right now in the middle of getting profiled. We're so hopeful something will happen with that this year, because it's been such a long road. We're also pursuing surrogacy, thanks to the generosity of my inlaws. Basically we want a baby/babies - any way it happens for us. Someone wants to drop one off on my doorstep? We'd be thrilled :)

Anyway, I'm not the greatest writer, this blog is more pretty much Word Vomit Thursday, every day I write. I write to release my feelings, so more often its been depression, sadness, and anger. Whatever comes into my mind I write, because getting it out feels better than keeping it in. Welcome!


  1. My blog is word vomit too. :-) My husband has noticed a drastic difference in my mood since I started my blog, so I know it helps. I hope this year brings you great news! ICLW #103

  2. I am keeping my fingers cross for you that one way or another you are parents very soon! Good luck with everything :)

    ICLW #108

  3. Word vomit is good! definitely better out than in. Hoping your adoptionstuff works out this year for you, its a full-on rollercoaster, eh?

  4. Visiting from ICLW. Good luck with both! I read ur story...incredible! Wishing you the best for this yr!

  5. I'm sorry for your losses. Wishing you all the best on your adoption journey. Happy ICLW!.

  6. I'm so sorry for your losses. You've been though so much, I hope your journey from here on out goes smoothly, you deserve it!

    Happy ICLW #61

  7. LOL... I need to preface all my blogs with the fact I am not a good writer then maybe the trolls will stop trying to correct my grammar. Wishing you the best with your adoption and surrogacy!


  8. Just found your blog, though not ICLW, but that's okay! I'm sorry for all of the hardships and losses you have had to endure. I'm looking for new blogs to follow myself, as the support in this community is amazing. I'll be signing up to follow your journey!
