Tuesday, March 22, 2011

E2 levels

My E2 at yesterday's appointment was 764. Last cycle at this point it was 801, and my E2 didn't get much higher after that.

I'm pissed at my RE.


  1. Sorry it hasn't doubled, it was close though wasn't it? I really hope they up your dose back up and things get going again... hang in there. That's really frustrating :(

  2. Oh no, I am so sorry. Did your RE have a good suggestion of where to move from here? I hope they gave you a good apology and starting making up for it asap. Keeping you in my thoughts that your levels rise!

  3. Grrr! I'm sorry you are angry at your RE. That blows! Especially when we put so much into it. YOu just want to trust they are making the right decision.

  4. So sorry about the E2!! What does this mean your next step is? Can you continue on with the cycle?

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and I will keep my fingers crossed for you that everything looks up!

  5. Here from ICLW. Thinking of you and sending you good vibes for the rest of this cycle. Also, a dose of virtual estrogen *hug*

    ~Keiko, Hannah Wept, Sarah Laughed, ICLW #23
